题目: Analytic Support to human judgment in the Risk Decision Process
摘要:Coping with risk situations can be complex and controversial. While risk models and analytical techniques have been developed, they are often criticized as irrelevant or incompetent, regardless of how good the science is. In order to ensure that we invest on the right science of risk analysis, this talk argues for a new focus on "risk characterization" which serves as a“bridge" relating risk analysis and risk decision-making. The aim of risk characterization is to describe a potentially hazardous situation in as accurate, thorough, and decision-relevant a manner as possible, addressing the significant concerns of the interested and affected parties, and to make this information understandable and accessible to public officials and to the parties. This new focus will help risk scientists to understand that they are one of the many parties involved, and it helps scientists to overcome the challenges of asking the right questions, making the appropriate assumptions, and finding the right ways to inform others with the best scientific knowledge.
主讲人:蔡国瑞 教授
嘉宾简介: 蔡国瑞教授,美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学终身副教授,兰州大学萃英讲席教授,主要研究方向为地理信息科学、信息处理与检索、人机交互、信息可视化等。
主持人:沙勇忠 教授
时 间:2017年5月18日下午14:30
地 点:齐云楼204会议室