Regulatory Governance in Times of Turbulence, Disruptive Technologies and Crises of Trus(2023.3.1摘要截稿;2023.7.12召开)
Regulatory Governance in Times of Turbulence, Disruptive Technologies and Crises of Trus
2023 年 7 月 12-14 日
论文和小组提案的截止日期是 2023 年 3 月 1 日,星期三。
所有提案都将接受同行评审。接受小组和论文的通知将于 2023 年 4 月上旬发出。未作为小组的一部分提交的批准论文将分配给适当的小组。
应在 2023 年 6 月 26 日之前提供已接受提案的全文
会议网站和提交系统将于 2023 年 2 月 1 日启动并运行。
In receiving panel/paper proposals relating to any aspect of the field of regulation and regulatory studies. Our main interest is to promote high-quality, rigorous research regardless of methodological approach. We welcome proposals from across a range of disciplines political science, law, public administration and policy analysis, economics, international relations, organisational studies, sociology and anthropology, as well as interdisciplinary proposals. Papers can be theoretical-conceptual or empirical, descriptive or explanatory, but they should have a clear conceptual and theoretical basis and meet appropriate methodological standards. We are encouraging papers using innovative (combinations of) state-of-the-art research methods (e.g. machine learning and automated coding). We encourage comparative papers and papers going beyond Western countries and including the Global South.
Besides proposals on regulation in general and/or dealing with specific sectors, panels and papers can deal with the functioning of regulatory regimes (state regulation, self-regulation and co-regulation), regulatory processes (rule-making and standard-setting, policy making, supervision, enforcement and compliance), the capacities, roles and behaviours of organisational and individual actors (such as regulatory agencies and regulatory officials, politicians and policy makers, front-line enforcers, regulatory intermediaries and private regulators, courts, interest groups, regulatees and beneficiaries), multi-level dynamics (international, national and subnational public and non-governmental actors as regulators), regulatory instruments and styles, hard and soft norms, regulatory innovation and reforms, and criteria such as independence, coordination, reputation, transparency, accountability, effectiveness, legitimacy, democratic values and rule of law, equality and societal justice.
As the conference theme indicates, we also welcome papers with respect to crisis governance and regulation, focusing on how regulation in all its forms as well as regulatory actors are affected by - and are changed in order to tackle - different crises (related to health pandemics, migration and diversity, energy, international security, political polarisation, climate change and biodiversity loss and others). Moreover, papers may focus on the relevance of regulation to seek for robust solutions of wicked issues and grand societal challenges. In addition, papers focusing on the regulation of new, emerging or disruptive technologies such as regulation of AI, autonomous systems and robotics, platform industries, block chain and cloud technology, gene editing and others are invited, as well as papers which discuss ways to improve both the capacity of regulation to induce innovation, while simultaneously mitigate risks and avoid adverse societal effects (such as regulatory sandboxes or principle-based regulation, and communicative strategies on risk regulation).
Finally, as the final conference of the TiGRE project is organised along with the Biennial Conference, we welcome in particular papers dealing with regulation and trust, including how regulation and trust/distrust relate, how actors assess the trustworthiness of regulatory regimes, agencies, actors and markets, as well as how trust dynamics within and between actors affect the functioning and legitimacy of regulatory regimes. Papers can also connect all abovementioned topics with societal and political trust.
论文和小组提案只能通过我的 ECPR 提交。会议网站和提交系统将于 2023 年 2 月 1 日启动并运行。
小组可以作为由 3-4 篇受邀论文(带有论文标题和作者)组成的“封闭式”小组提交,也可以作为完全“开放”小组提交,或者作为受邀论文和自由席位的组合提交。面板将持续 90 分钟,或者可以运行几个连续的 90 分钟时段。小组提案应包括小组标题(最多 30 个字)和介绍小组主题和范围的摘要(最多 500 个字)。您还应该提供小组主席、联合主席(如果有的话)和讨论者的详细信息。
论文提案应包括论文标题(最多 30 个单词)、摘要(最多 250 个单词)、作者及其电子邮件地址以及 3-5 个关键词
普通参与者的费用定为 320 欧元。学生(包括博士生)的费用为 180 欧元。欢迎招待会、午餐、茶歇和晚宴均包含在会议费用中。
我们希望为申请人提供少量的赠款/费用减免。自 2023 年 2 月 1 日起,有关如何申请的详细信息将在活动网站上公布。
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